鬼滅の刃 柱稽古編


テレビアニメーション『鬼滅の刃』第4巻 特典CD収録音源に関するお詫び
2019/11/22 18:56


『鬼滅の刃』第4巻 10月30日発売
[Blu-ray]¥7,500+税 ANZX-14777~14778(POS 4534530118028)
[DVD]¥6,500+税 ANZB-14777~14778(POS 4534530118158)


東京都千代田区六番町4-5 株式会社アニプレックス 「鬼滅の刃 第4巻 交換係」 宛 

郵便局「ゆうパック」、ヤマト運輸、佐川急便のいずれかの宅配便で着払い(送料当社負担)をご利用いただき、【お客様の郵便番号・ご住所・お名前・電話番号】を送付伝票の依頼主欄に明記の上、上記住所までお送りください。 なお、送付された際の伝票の控えは交換品到着まで大切に保管くださるようお願いいたします。


「鬼滅の刃 第4巻」のメーカー出荷再開は2019年12月16日(月)を予定しています。
また、今回の商品回収に伴い、『鬼滅の刃』第4巻及び第5巻連動の『鬼滅ラヂヲ』公開収録 観覧無料招待施策の申込み締切日も、当初の2019年12月11日(水)23:59から12月31日(火)23:59へ延長させていただきます。



TEL: 03-5211-7555


【English translation】
Apology for theDemon Slayer TV Anime Series Blu-ray/DVD Vol. 4 Bonus CD Music Track

November 22, 2019
Aniplex Inc.

It has come to our attention that Azaan was partially used inappropriately in the bonus CD bundled with the Demon Slayer TV anime series Blu-ray/DVD Vol. 4 (released on October 30, 2019). This track was produced using commercially-available audio material, and while it was never our intention to hurt or show disrespect towards those of the Islamic faith, we understand that we have deeply offended them by not taking steps to fully understand the meaning and content of said audio before recording and releasing the track. For this, we offer our sincerest apologies. Please be advised that the track in question appears only on the bonus CD and has not been used in the anime series itself.

Rest assured that we will be taking this matter seriously. We have halted all shipments of this product, which will also be recalled from all stores immediately. For those of you who have purchased this product, we will be offering replacement discs for the bonus CD. Please be advised that we can only provide disc replacements for our customers residing in Japan.

We apologize for inconveniencing those of you who have purchased this product, as well as all of our Demon Slayer fans.

Please be assured that in the future, we will work hard to better understand the Islamic faith and culture, and be extra-vigilant when it comes to audio production.

<About the Exchange Program>
Demon Slayer Vol. 4, released on October 30
Limited Edition

[Blu-ray] ¥7,500+tax ANZX-14777~14778(POS 4534530118028)
[DVD] ¥6,500+tax ANZB-14777~14778(POS 4534530118158)

How to Exchange Your Disc

We will exchange your bonus CD upon request. 
We apologize for the inconvenience, but please send, at our expense, the bonus CD only, along with your name, postal code, address, and phone number, to the address below.

When sending the bonus CD, please do not include the feature disc or case;
we ask that you hold onto those items. Should we receive them along with the bonus CD, please be advised that we will be replacing only the bonus CD in our return shipment.
Please also be advised that we can only provide disc replacements for our customers residing in Japan.